Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Mishmash

Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes! Here's my favorite card:

Would you believe my father sent it to me? Our family doesn't believe in mushy, treacly cards. Except once when my oldest brother and I spent a year trying to out-schmaltz each other with gooey greeting cards. I think this explains a lot.

Thanks also for the encouragement with regard to my new workout plans! It's going really well, and while it's too soon to see any physical change, I'm pretty damned pleased with myself which is an upgrade in outlook for sure. Here's something else about which to be pleased:

My last iPod broke about 3 months ago - the screen got trashed somehow in my gym bag and while the thing still played, there was no way to make a selection. Yeah, that was fun. To repair it was going to cost nearly the same as a new one, so yesterday we went out and got this. The clip/case has a hard protective cover for the screen, and I whipped up this little pouch to protect it while it's in my bag.

The Miracle That Is Port

Of course as I was in a screaming hurry yesterday to get the new iPod all set up, Murphy's Law stepped in and decided to slow me down by having iTunes show up for me in Dutch. It's a little hard to set up one's preferences when one can't read the language in which they're listed. I called Customer Service and really threw them for a loop. They couldn't figure it out (yes, we tried to update Preferences - it wouldn't register). So I uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes twice. Still Dutch. I was so pissed I was practically vibrating. My husband suggested I step away from it for a while. I did that long enough to pour myself some port, then sat back down with it. It spontaneously changed back to English. Which only proves, port cures all ills. Remember that.


As mentioned in my last post, I met up with The Minions of the Pointy Sticks on World Wide Knit In Public day on Santana Row for a little outdoor knitting. It was pretty hot out but Jasmin had found a great shady spot so it was actually quite comfortable. The multiple iced coffees from Peet's didn't hurt either. We had a fine group!

Jasmin and Ursula

The men: Andrew and Michael (Greg was there too but I didn't get a shot - sorry!)

Ursula, Erica, Cynthia

And the instigators of the event, The Knitmore Girls, Jasmin and Gigi (Dahling).

We KIP'd (K'd IP?) until about 5:30, then headed over to Cynthia's for pizza, wine and more fiber fun. A totally lovely day!

Start-Ups (Let's Hope I Finish-Up)

I've had a hard time lately deciding what to knit. What I want most to wear is what I least feel like knitting, and what I want most to knit is what I need the least in my wardrobe. Oy. I finally bit the bullet and made some decisions:

I've joined the Ariann bandwagon. I wouldn't have chosen to make this based on the picture on the pattern, but I've now seen two knit and worn by friends and it's incredibly flattering on a multitude of body types. I'm doing this in Valley Yarns Colrain - worsted weight Merino/Tencel. Black usually washes me out but I think the open pattern will let the color of my clothes show through, and that will soften it up.

I have also started this:

The Haruha scarf. I'm using the Llana Gatto VIP that I dyed recently. So far so good on this one.

I also started and finished this - my second Montego Bay Scarf from my own handspun - this time, Crown Mountain Farms Superwash Merino in the Albatross colorway.

I think I love this pattern!

Parting Shot

Miguel would like you to know that even though he's 19 and not as strong as he used to be, he can still paralyze you with his stare of death.


Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great time at your KIP!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!! Sorry I'm late. Sounds like you had a great time, and I adore the story of the Miracle of the Port. I'll have to get some - we've got a lot of broken stuff over here.

Toni said...

Aha! I'm going to have to try port on my renegade cell phone!

BerkeleyBecca said...

Ooh, I knew port was magical stuff...
I too knit in public on Saturday, it just wasn't with a group of fellow knitters. I had to answer some questions that probably seemed normal to non-knitters, like "Did you buy that yarn planning to make that hat?" I said "No, it originally was meant to be something else," and Jane helpfully volunteered "there's a *lot* of yarn in our house." Nice, huh?

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

Ah, port!! I keep trying it with Jaegermeister, but it's not working.

(love the b-day card, too)
(and the scarf, too)
(but you already knew that *smile*)

Tiny Tyrant said...

I think I love your hand dyed and Miguel and am totally jonesing over a new nano, but I'm behaving myself.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! And Andrew was in town for it? Wonderful!

I think it's imPORTant that I find my own fix should my gadgets start spreckenzeedoytching. Not to wine or anything about being a good little Mormon--that would be beeryond me.

Sarah Jean said...

*is paralyzed by the stare of death* =P

The Haruha scarf is beautiful - I just might have to try that pattern myself!

jessie said...

Funny card.

Port. I'm on it.

iPods. Don't last long. I think you could have saved some money and learned Dutch, though.

And Ariann. I haven't knit it but Bonne Marie is very talented. I agree that the picture is not the most flattering. And yet, I think she has a good eye. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday!

I'm off to buy a case or two or twelve of port!

Emily Scott Banks said...

Hi 'No-blog-Rachel'! I just saw (via Juno's site) you have a blog, and I don't know why that tickled me so, as I don't know you, but it did...Blog as Borg?

My family is also adamantly into the non-gooey cards, and your post made me remember the year my brother and I, for no particular reason, sent each other cards in Spanish?? Insensible, but it was guaranteed to send us into stitches. Hmm...maybe he's due a reminder?

Welcome to the borgosphere. ;)